Friday, 22 March 2013


     It would appear that I may have jinxed myself about not having any health problems. I spoke to my Doctor the other week about having some blood tests done - it has been a long while since I have had any, and with such a lifestyle change I wanted to make sure everything is where it should be.
     My vitamin D came back low as I knew it would, I am already taking medication for that, but not as often as I should. She roused on me "You must take your medication or it could lead to osteo! You don't want that!" She said. I also found out that my iron levels are low. They are sitting at 9. That's not too low, but low enough to be a problem, and it would certainly explain why I am feeling tired a lot of the time. With a history of bowel cancer in my family my Doctor wants to check a few different things and has asked me to take some iron supplements, so we'll see where we go from there.
     I have also just had a tooth pulled with more work to follow over the coming months, and a small lump on my leg that while the Doctor doesn't think it is a problem, I may opt to have it cut out. I feel very mixed about it all. I pull out these different pills I have to take at different times of the day - vitamin D when required, iron tablet, multivitamin, anti-biotic for the lack of tooth, something for the pain for the lack of tooth when required, plus whatever else - I feel like a stereotypical old lady who needs a Webster pack, like I am suddenly falling apart afer all these years of having no problems. But on the flipside, and a much better way of looking at it, I feel like I am repairing some of the various bits of damage that have been done over time on this path to helping to create a new me. That is how I am going to look at it.
     To top it off, my weight appears to have stalled a bit. That sucks being so close to a goal, yet I am so darn stuck that my weight won't move. I am not doing anything differently with my food, so I believe that maybe part of it is some muscle buildup through excercising at the gym. I feel great, I am still noticing some difference in my clothes and my measurements, so will have to go off that - as long as there is still a difference somewhere, I am happy.
     I don't think that at this point now I could quit anyway to be honest. I think I could be naughty if I really wanted to - raid the cupboard and go on a massive binge - but I don't want to blow what I have achieved, and even if I did have that binge, I would feel so guilty, I really don't believe that I could go back to that place I was once in. I couldn't. I would be disappointed in myself and would feel like I had let my friends and family down. I am NOT going back there.
     I guess it's a bit like being a reformed smoker - you look at someone and feel bad for them with what they are doing. You want to tell them to "stop, you will feel so much better. I stopped and I feel great!!! You will feel so much better if you quit!" I am starting to feel that way with people and with food. I am by no means "skinny" or "cured", but I have to admit when I am out now I notice things and people that I have never noticed before. For example, I was having lunch with my son in a shopping centre the other day and a few tables away from us was a very overweight man and an overweight girl sitting together having lunch. As I slowly ate my food I watched him devour a doner kebab, bottle of coke and then a takeaway container full of Chinese food. Not long ago I wouldn't have battered an eyelid, I probably wouldn't have even noticed let alone felt anything. It's not my business to feel anything or think anything, but I did and it surprised me. I felt sorry for him. I felt bad for him. I wondered where he would be in 10 years time, if he would be the same or worse, or if he too would one day be able to change his life. It was wrong of me to think those things I guess, I was not judging him, but I suppose due to human nature, I unintentionally was.
     So now I sit here at my desk wondering what is next for me.  I am continuing on, don't you worry about that, but I guess sometimes these sorts of things make you reflect.
     I have decided that whether or not I reach my goal, my next blog post should be around that time, so I will post some pics and some measurements and the like so you will know where I am and how I am doing.
     Thank you for coming on my journey with me so far. It is nice to have someone to share my ramblings with xxx

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